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School Calendar
222 Central Ave, Dover NH 03820
Volunteer Forms
Thank You for Your Work with Children & Youth!
All adults who work regularly with minors in the Diocese of Manchester must fulfill the following requirements:
Complete a Volunteer or Employment Application; (
Complete background checks for all states in which you have resided during the past 5 years. (School employees must be fingerprinted); –Criminal Records Release Authorization – Please return completed form to the front office or email the form to The fee is $10 for those residing in the state of NH for the last five (5) years. The fee is $15, for those who have lived in a state other than NH within the last five years. The fee can be charged through FACTS or can be paid in office in the form or cash or check. This form does not need to be notarized.
Complete child abuse awareness training online through the CMG-Safe Haven training site (see instructions below);
Read and acknowledge our diocesan Code & Policy (you will complete this at the end of your online training).
Forms are available from your parish or school. The forms and training should be completed before you begin your work with minors (but no later than 30 days after beginning your work). Employment/volunteer eligibility is contingent upon the results of the background checks.
Instructions for online training, Safe Haven:
Click on “Register for a New Account” and provide the requested information.
Click ‘Start Curriculum.’ The steps you need to complete will be listed on the left hand side of your screen. You must proceed in the order in which they are listed. Once a section or step is completed, it will show as ‘Done.’
IMPORTANT: There are 3 videos. Once you begin watching a video, you must watch it through to the end. Once a step is marked ‘Done’, you may leave the training and log in to complete the remaining steps at another time.
Once you have completed all of the assigned steps, you can access your Certificate of Completion by going to the training dashboard and clicking ‘Download Certificate.’
New employees should also complete the sexual harassment training that is listed as an optional training.
Please note: If you have lived in a state other than New Hampshire in the past five years, please notify Tara Costello, as there is additional documentation that must be completed. Your name will also be checked on the national sex offender registry
Please return all forms and documents to Tara Costello.