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222 Central Ave, Dover NH 03820
SMA has three priorities that make us stand out from other educational institutions: Faith, Academics and Service.
Our focus on faith, academics and service prepares students for meaningful lives in their families, communities, and the Catholic Church.
SMA provides a safe, faith-based environment modeled on the philosophy and practice of the Catholic religion which is integrated throughout all curriculum areas. Our “SMA Rules” are posted in every classroom and are reinforced through our “caught being good” program:
Always be honest (Proverbs 12:2)
Count your blessings (Psalms 34:1-5)
Bear each other’s burdens (Galatians 6:12)
Forgive and forget (Micah 7:18)
Be kind and tender hearted (Ephesians 4:32)
Comfort one another (Thessalonians 4:18)
Keep your promises (Romans 4:21)
Be supportive of one another (Acts 20:35)
Be true to each other (Revelations 15:3)
Look after each other (Deuteronomy 15:11)
Treat each other like you treat your friends (Matthew 7:12)
But most importantly,
Love one another deeply from the heart (Peter 1:22)

St. Mary Academy is committed to developing life-long learners and individual, creative thinkers while remaining faithful to our mission to educate the whole child in mind, body and spirit. The essential skills of critical thinking, problem solving, communication, and collaboration are integral parts of our curriculum. SMA adapts to the Common Core and our curriculum follows New Hampshire state frameworks. Our innovative Healthy Mind/Healthy Body/Healthy Spirit program allows each child to explore their own interests and talents through a variety of interdisciplinary course offerings.
Catholic social teaching calls on us to reach out and build relationships of love and justice, to care for the poor and vulnerable, and to be stewards of God’s creation. At SMA, we stress the importance of living our Christian faith through service to others. Through service learning programs such as Trout in the Classroom, classroom mission projects such as canned food drives and visits to area nursing homes, and individual community service, our students learn to put their faith into action and give back to the community.