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222 Central Ave, Dover NH 03820
At Saint Mary Academy, we prepare our students to be faithful and successful in today’s world. We offer a strong traditional program based on the fundamentals of reading, writing and mathematics while also cultivating the skills needed for success in the 21st century: creativity and innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, and collaboration. With an up-to-date computer room, interactive whiteboards, and classroom sets of iPads, our teachers are able to integrate technology into their daily lessons. Our well-equipped science lab gives our students the opportunity to participate in hands-on experiments and increase their understanding of the natural world. Students can explore their creativity through our curricular and extracurricular programs in theatre, music and art.

SMA’s innovative Healthy Mind/Healthy Body/Healthy Spirit program furthers our mission to educate the whole child. Through this experiential, project-based program, SMA students strengthen their knowledge and skills in a wide range of subject areas related to their own interests. Over the course of a year, each student completes a class of his or her choice from each of three areas: Healthy Mind, which exposes students to new interests and learning opportunities in a variety of cross-curricular offerings; Healthy Body, which is based on physical fitness and caring for our God-given bodies; and Healthy Spirit, which involves faith-based learning, service and spiritual growth.